The Root Cause of Dis-ease
Our astrologer study your horoscope to determine the cosmic influence on your health. Your horoscope reveals the the timing and the root cause of health disorder. Most of the the diseases are physical manifestation of stress caused by discontent in life.Discontent > Stress > Distress > Dis-Ease > DISEASE
You need a break!
Rejuvenate your body mind and soul. Your body need servicing. SPAs are mushrooming all over the world to cater to this need. The high end SPAs have all the trappings that one can ask for. They uplift the mind and you will feel elated, recharged and anew!
But the effect is only temporary. The ailments resurface after some time. The reasons are not difficult to understand. They are into hospitality segment where customer comfort and convenience over-rules everything else. They do not look into your karmic life. Individual counselling on this aspect is amiss.
Our astrologer study your horoscope to determine the cosmic influence on your health. Your horoscope reveals the the timing and the root cause of health disorder.
Your health problems are analysed at karmic level through your horoscope (birth chart). The energy level are assessed with the help of Chinese Energy Meridian Imaging System. Bioenergetic reading provide an insight into you mindset.
All these are co-related with the clinical finding that you have with you.
Mind is the origin of all Diseases. A positive mind can remove diseases from body and keep you physically fit. Daily spend some time in meditation. It is a wonderful way to build a positive attitude, overcome lifestyle stress and overcome daily challenges.
Our range of remedial include use of Mantra and Yantra, Homa, Bach Flower, Reiki, Naturopathy and Touch Healing therapies.
Complementary Therapies
Reiki is sub atomic non polarized energy which is sent in harmonic form to the receiver’s body. Reiki works on the disturbed energy field to restore harmony and wellness.
These relaxing, nurturing energy therapies promote your natural ability to heal. Passive Joint movement, Quantum Touch, and massage are prominent forms of touch therapies.
These remedies are made of a very small content of flower material mixed in equal volume of brandy and water. These are vibrational remedies with energetic nature of flowers.
Treatment is done to correct the flow of energy in the body by treating specific points on the energy meridians using light pressure, Byol magnets or laser. This is non invasive healing.