Thursday, 13 August 2015 13:14


What is it Asthma ?

Asthma is a chronic disease of the respiratory system which makes breathing very difficult. It is characterized by the spasm of the major and minor airways in the lungs, due to inflammation and contraction of the muscles in the fabric of the lungs. Symptoms include difficulty in breathing, wheezing, a persistent cough and a sensation of tightness around the chest. During attacks the sufferer has to struggle for air.


Asthma has become very common. The reasons are unclear, but it is thought that pollution, allergies and fumes may be to blame. Asthma is divided into two categories: intrinsic, for which there is no identifiable cause for attacks, and extrinsic, which is caused by something, usually inhaled, that triggers an attack. Factors that play a part in developing or experiencing an attack include:

  • Heredity.
  • Drugs, for example NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflamatory drugs) taken for other conditions.

  • Allergies, including dust and dander allergies.

  • Exercise. Attacks may be brought on by vigorous activity.

  • High pollen count.

  • Changes in the weather.

  • Food allergies.

  • Smoking.

During an asthma attack the muscles of the small airways in the lung (bronchioles) tighten and narrow. This causes mucus to collect, making the obstruction worse. The characteristic dry cough of a sufferer occurs as the body attempts to clear the airway. AN ASTHMA ATTACK THAT DOES NOT ABATE, DESPITE USING AN INHALER, IS A MEDICAL EMERGENCY.

Chinese Acupuncture

Acute Bronchial Asthama

With symptoms of difficulty in breathing and in lying down, patient prefer to spend night sitting crouching forward sedate Lu 6i or Cv 22i

Chronic Asthama

In such cases right from day break the patient experiences difficulty in breathing.

Sedate Lu 5i or UB13i

Cardiac Asthama

Symptoms are more noticeable while climbing stairs. Tonify H5h

Renal Asthama

In these cases inhalation become difficult. Tonify K6h or K7h

Asthama due to Liver problem

In such cases lips and nails become dark. This type of asthama is also called Cyanotic Asthama. Sedate Liv  3i

Allergic Asthama

The key symptom is frequent sneezing. For this sedate Sp 10i and Dr Voll’s points AD2i or Lu 11i

Dyspeptic Asthama

This is caused due to spleen disorder. Phlegm and wind accumulate in chest causing expectoration of phlegm. Sedate Sp4i or Liv 13i

Additionally sedation can be added to Lu 2i


Herbal Treatment

As well as reducing the sensitivity and irritability of the airways, herbal medicines can dilate the bronchial tubes and remove excess mucus, if needed. An overall, individual approach is always taken in herbal medicine, and asthma is no exception. Complete relief is possible for some people.


Orthodox treatment

Treatment includes inhaling salbutamol or terbutaline, which relax the muscles around the airways, through an inhaler. For children, these relaxants also come in the form of a syrup. Steroids can be used preventatively and are also taken with an inhaler. The drug sodium cromoglycate can also prevent attacks. Emergency treatment may consist of strong doses of steroids, taken orally or by injection. Admission to hospital for nebulizer treatment and intravenous drugs may be required. With severe attacks medical treatment is essential as asthma can be fatal.


Naturopathy may offer supportive therapy in the chronic adult, and therapeutic treatment in children. Dietary and physical management may be suitable. with applied nutrition for immune support.

Ayurvedic medicine

Treatment might consist of balancing the tridoshas, according to the individual's condition. Panchakarma therapy may also be useful.

Other therapies

Sufferers may respond to yoga, particularly through gentle asanas, relaxation, pranayama, meditation and shat kriyas. Chinese herbal treatment may include carminative herbs. herbs with fragrant odour to clear retention of body fluid (dampness) or herbal tonics and a mixture of anti-tussives. expectorants and anti-asthmatic herbs. In nutritional therapy deficiencies, food allergies, inhalant allergies and a toxic overload can all be important factors in the development of asthma and these would be addressed. For an attack, a macrobiotic practitioner might suggest a teaspoon of gomashio in a cup of bancha tea or a cup of hot fresh apple juice. Homeopaths will treat chronic asthma constitutionally; their prescriptions and advice will be individual but compatible with orthodox treatment. Aromatherapy may use roman camomile to sooth and relieve spasms. Bach Flower remedies dies may be helpful if attacks are stress or anxiety-related Other therapies that may work for asthmatics include acupuncture, auricular therapy, cymatics, hypnotherapy, osteopathy, cranial   osteopathy, relaxation and visualization. Shiatsu and rolfing. 

Autogenic training

Many sufferers report a significant reduction in the use of inhalers and medication after a short time of using autogenic training. Studies have shown the value of AT in the psychological control of asthma, especially by making the sufferer feel more in control of the condition.

Alexander Technique

Sufferers from asthma and other breathing conditions can benefit greatly from the breathing re-education and relaxation of the Alexander Technique. It encourages a release of undue tension in the chest and a gradual increase of the intrathoracic capacity. It also improves stress management.