Do we really have to make it an annual ritual? If so why?
What if it is not observed at all?
Who believes in all this?
There can be as many more question. These are the few that came to my mind and I needed an answer to it. Having traveled to different places and observed many cultures of the world I am sharing some of my observations.
From across the world
15th of August, 2013 the people of Japan celebrated the OBON festival to honour their ancestors. In Japan people visit their family homes to celebrate this day. According to the 500-year-old tradition, for three days it is the time to visit and clean their ancestors’ graves. It is also the time for the spirits of their departed loved ones to visit household altars. To ensure a welcome return, lanterns, candles and, for good measure, dance, are all organised. Offerings of flowers are made, alongside fruits and vegetables to sate the appetites of the spirit guests – as well as spirit animals made of eggplants and cucumbers for the spirits to ride.
According to the Korean tradition the 15th day of the eighth lunar month is called Ch'usok,. It is also known as the Harvest Moon Festival. Ch'usok is a time to give thanks for the autumn harvest and reaffirm familial and community ties.
In Korea the day begins with the rites honoring their ancestors. Families visit the graves of their ancestors to bow and clean the area for the coming winter. Offerings are made of rice cakes made with the newly harvested rice, and just-picked fruits and nuts such as persimmons, chestnuts, and Chinese dates in the memorial services for ancestors.
New Zealand
In New Zealand it comes into view low on the north-eastern horizon, appearing in the tail of the Milky Way in the last days of May or in early June, just before dawn. This heralds the Māori New Year.
These festivities are linked to appeasement of ancestors souls.
In Singapore, Ghost Festival is a time for ancestor worship. Respect is paid to all departed souls irrespective of their being from the younger generations, same generations or older generations. During this ghost and spirits of the deceased from their realm visit the living descendants.
According their cultural beliefs on the fifteenth day of the 7th Chinese month the doors of Heaven and Hell are opened permitting all the souls and spirits to receive food and drink. This year it was August 20, 2013.
Both Taoists and Buddhists perform rituals to transmute and absolve the sufferings of the deceased. The day begins with ritual worship, offering food (to monks as well as deceased), burning joss paper, chanting of scriptures. Activities during the month would include preparing ritualistic food offerings, burning incense and burning joss paper, a papier-mâché form of material items such as clothes, gold and other fine goods for the visiting spirits of the ancestors. Elaborate meals (often vegetarian meals) would be served with empty seats for each of the deceased in the family treating the deceased as if they are still living. Other festivities may include, buying and releasing miniature paper boats and lanterns on water, which signifies giving directions to the lost ghosts and spirits of the ancestors and other deities.
The 15th day of seventh month of Hindu Lunar calendar called Aswin marks beginning of a fifteen days period assigned to the worship of departed souls. The rituals are in many ways different from those performed in other South Asian countries. Despite of the fact that this is a fifteen days period each family perform rituals according to day of death of the departed family member or Ancestor. The waning and waxing cycle of moon is of 15 days only. So this Pitr Paksh period begins with Full moon of Aswin month and ends on the fifteenth day. The New moon marks beginning of the next month. However similarity prevails in the way the rituals are conducted.
This is solemn period. People are supposed to abstain from drinks and non- veg food. The day (called tithi) on which offering are to be made to the departed soul begins with a small worship perform by a family member followed by offerings of food, fruits, clothes and donation to a Brahmin who conducts the ritual. Blessing of departed soul are sought on this day for protection and well being of the living descendants. No new activities or celebrations are organized during this period.
Halloween day
On October 31 each year it is time for Halloween Day. Ancient people believed that ghosts came back to earth on this day. So to appease these spirits, people offer fruits and nuts.
Halloween costumes are traditionally related to ghosts, skeletons, witches, and devils. Black and Orange are the famous color for this day. The Jack-o-lantern is the festival light for Halloween. Pumpkin is a good substitute of the turnip, to be used as Jack-o-lantern. People generally give candy to the children who come to their house.
All saints day
November 1st is marked as the All Saints Day Filipinos traditionally observe this day by visiting the family dead, often cleaning and repairing them. Offerings of prayers, flowers, candles, and even food are made, while Filipino-Chinese additionally burn incense and kim. Many also spend the day and ensuing night holding reunions at the graves, playing music or singing karaoke.
In Argentina, Austria, Belgium, Chile, France, Hungary, Italy, Lebanon, Luxembourg, Malta, Peru, Portugal, Puerto Rico, Spain, and American cities such as New Orleans, people take flowers to the graves of dead relatives. In Portugal, people also light candles at the graves as per their local tradition.
In Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Finland, Catholic parts of Germany, Hungary, Italy, Lithuania, Moldova, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia and Sweden, the tradition is to light candles and visit the graves of deceased relatives.
In English-speaking countries, the festival is traditionally celebrated with the hymn "For All the Saints". The most familiar tune for this hymn is Sine Nomine by Ralph Vaughan Williams. Another hymn that is popularly sung during corporate worship on this day is "I Sing a Song of the Saints of God".
All souls day
All Souls Day fall on the 2nd November every year it is preceded by All Saints Day and is marked for paying respect to all departed souls.
If we look at the pattern there is a conceptual similarity across cultures, religions and nations.
- There is a period marked for honouring the departed souls.
- Blessings are sought.
- Offerings are made.
- It is a time for all family members to come closer (in solemnity or for celebrations is not important).
- Timing is a significant factor and variations are only due to local factor including weather conditions.
This brings to mind another issue “Does all this have any correlation with planetary transit ?
There are different calendar systems followed in different regions so that also possibly accounts for the variation in time.
But the underlying message that comes across is that this is time when the power sun begins to wane in northern hemisphere. In astrology sun is headed towards debilitation in the sign of Libra and this is the time to become more spiritually active to overcome negativity which tends to dominate. Rituals were evolved by the ancient saints keeping in mind more scientific reasons. As the scientific discoveries progressed and those practicing religion or with scientific mind choose to dismiss the practices instead of pragmatically collaborating with each other.
Result is chaos and suffering. According to the World Health Organization estimates about 121 million people worldwide have some form of depression, where as less than 25 percent have access to effective treatment. [source: WHO].
In eastern philosophy (Vedic culture) the year is divided into six seasons and activities including Festivities, prayers, exercise and food intake is guided to be in harmony with nature. If some changes or distortions have taken place with the passage of time it is of paramount importance that the ancient knowledge is studied in correct perspective and shared, instead of rejecting it out rightly.