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Blood Pressure

What is it Blood Pressure?

High Blood Pressure (Hypertension)

Blood pressure varies constantly within the cardiac cycle of contraction and relaxation of the heart and is also affected by the level of physical exertion, anxiety, stress, emotion and other factors. It is determined by the force and volume of the heart output with each beat and on the resistance offered by the larger blood vessels. High blood pressure (hypertension) is a sustained rise in blood pressure above the normal and is dissociated with an increased risk of stroke and premature death.


Ninety percent of cases are of what is known as essential hypertension, meaning that there is no obvious underlying cause, although lifestyle factors such as obesity and alcohol and sugar intake play a role. There may also be genetic and ethnic factors (there is a higher incidence of hypertension in people of African origin). In societies with a Western-type diet and lifestyle blood pressure rises with age.

The other 10 percent of cases have an underlying cause, which may be:

  • Diabetes or other endocrine disorders.

  • Kidney disease.

  • Pregnancy.

  • Medication such as the contraceptive pill or steroids.

Contrary to popular belief, raised blood pressure seldom causes symptoms and is often found on routine screening.


Bodymind view on Hypertension (High Blood Pressure)

Excessive emotional tension, this is often caused by high blood pressure or intense nervous strain. The cause is deep fear and a lack of trust, a feeling that we are in constant danger and need to be on guard. This may be due to past traumatic experience. Deep breathing and complete relaxation are essential.


Chinese Acupuncture

Acupuncture has proved very good in the treatment of high blood pressure, addressing underlying weaknesses and blockages in the energy system. The acupuncturist will look closely at lifestyle, eating habits and hereditary aspects. An auricular therapist may also provide successful treatment.

High BP

– Yin and Yang chakra (blue)

High BP due to some accident or incident can be controlled by sedation of GB 20i

For high BP due to wind or Anger sedate Liv 2i When liver heat is the cause sedate Liv 3i or Liv 11i

Other good points are St 36* Liv 4i Li 4i Li 11i

High BP due to weak Kidney activity and /or urine retention sedate K1iThis acts as diuretic.

High BP with increased palpitation needs beta-blocker treatment. Sedate H7i

Low BP

For Hypo-systolic tonify H9h

If BP falls due to some unexpected event tonify Gv20h or apply red colour.

For weak heart with low BP tonify H5h

Low BP due to general weakness – tonify Cv6h

In other cases of hypotension tonify H9h or H7h or P9h 


Orthodox treatment

The treatment of hypertension involves a change in lifestyle and, if necessary, the prescription of drugs. Four main classes are used:

  • Diuretics act on the kidneys to lose salt and also act directly on the blood vessels to reduce their resistance.

  • Beta-blockers lower blood pressure by slowing the heart and reducing the force of contraction of the heart muscle.

  • Vasodilators act on the arteries to widen them.

  • ACE inhibitors act both as vasodilators and diuretics by inhibiting the synthesis of angiotensin, n powerful vasoconstrictor which also acts on the adrenal glands to retain sodium.


A naturopath will probably suggest a diet low in animal fats, salt, sugar and stimulants such as caffeine and nicotine. An individual dietetic programme would be tailored to the sufferer's needs. Hydrotherapy - in particular the contrast bathing of feet - may prove useful to the patient. Applied nutrition may include mineral therapy (for example magnesium and potassium), and relaxation and meditation instruction will be supplied.

A nutritional therapist will look at the cause of the high blood pressure. A good whole food diet rich in fruit and vegetables, regular consumption of oily fish and strict rationing of fatty or sugary foods will be suggested for those who are predisposed to develop it.