थायरॉइड एक बहुत छोटी स्राव ग्रंथि है जो ग्रीवा में होती है। थायरॉइड ग्रंथि से थायघक्सिन नामक हार्मोन निकलता है।यह हार्मोन शरीर के रासायनिक एवं मेटाबॉलिक कृया की गति को नियंत्रित करता है । हार्मोनों को एक रासायनिक संदेशवाहक के तौर पर परिभाषित किया जा सकता है।जो रक्त से ऊतकों व अंगों तक पहुंचता है और शरीर के क्रियाकलाप पर प्रभाव डालते हैं।इसी तरह से थायरॉइड हार्मोन कई शारीरिक ।क्मीओं को प्रभावित करता है जैसे दिल की धड़कन की दर. श्वसनतंत्र की दर. कैलोरी खर्च होने. वृद्धि. फर्टिलिटी व पाचन आदि । जब इस ग्रंथि में कोई गड़बड़ी होती है तो इसमें से बहुत अधिक मात्रा में या कुछ कम मात्रा में हार्मोन निकलने लगता है. जिसकी वजह से थायरॉइड की समस्या इच्छ होती है।
रोग से जुड़े तथ्य
खून की जांच तीन तरह से की जाती है। T3, T4 और TSH (टीएसएच) हार्मोन्स के स्तर का पता लगाया जाता है। पहली ही स्टेज का इलाज करा लिया जाए तो रोग जल्दी ठीक हो जाता है।
इसके शुरूआती लक्षण इतने कम होते हैं कि मरीज़ को पता नहीं लगता कि कुछ गड़बड़ है। जब तक इन लक्षणों का पता चलता है वे अधिक गंभीर हो जाते हैं। थायरॉइड हार्मोन्स जब शरीर में कम काम करें तो उस स्थिति में हाइपोथायरॉइडिज्म की समस्या उत्पन्न होती है।
जब थायरॉइड हार्मोन्स ज्यादा सक्रिय हों तो उसे हाइपर थायराइडिज्म कहा जाता है । हाइपरथायरॉइडिज्म के लक्षण हाइपोथायराडिज्म से एकदम विपरीत होते हैं। महिला मरीज के शरीर में टीएचए थायरॉइड स्टिथुलेटिंग हार्मोन ज्यादा बनने लगता है।
अधिक भूख और कम नींद
योग प्राकृतिक चिकित्सा के उपचार
आमतौर स थाइरॉइड के रोगियों को डाक्टर तमाम उम्र दवा खाने की सलाह देते हैं। इन दवाओं के अपने पाश्र्व प्रभाव साइड इफेक्ट भी होते है। किन्तु योग प्राकृतिक चिकित्सा के द्वारा थायरॉइड का सफलतापूर्वक उपचार किया जा सकता है।
आहार विहार
इस रोग में तनाव, क्रोध नहीं बल्कि अपनी जीवन शैली को बदलने का प्रयास करें।
What is Diabetes?
Diabetes mellitus, the common form of diabetes, is caused by lack of insulin, a hormone manufactured by the pancreas gland. Insulin is responsible for the absorption of glucose into liver and fat cells and muscles which require it for energy, and if there is insufficient supply glucose levels in the blood rise. Diabetes is common among people with disturbed lifestyle like – those involved in lot of sedentary work lacking physical activity, obese, around 40 years age, suffering from constipation and fond of rich spicy food and lethargic.
In Type I (insulin-dependent or juvenile-onset) diabetes insulin levels may be very low (or totally absent), forcing the cells to obtain energy from fat instead, which may lead to diabetic coma \ and death. It usually first occurs in people under the age of 35 (most often between 10 and 16) and develops rapidly.
Type II (non-insulin dependent or maturity-onset) diabetes is normally found in people over 40, particularly those who are overweight. Onset is gradual and as insulin is not as lacking as in Type 1 it may go undiagnosed for some time. The symptoms of diabetes include excessive thirst and the passing of large amounts of urine, weight loss, fatigue, hunger, weakness and apathy. Diabetes mellitus is a chronic condition and causes damage to the nerves, premature atheroma and therefore angina and arterial disease in the legs, hypertension, blindness and kidney failure.
Diabetes mellitus tends to run in families, although not all members who carry the gene will go on to develop the disease; the incidence of those who do is higher in Type II than in Type I. Damage to the pancreas caused by a virus is thought to be the precipitating factor in Type I. Other aggravating factors of diabetes mellitus include:
Certain other illnesses, including hyperthyroidism, pancreatic diseases and thyro-toxicosis.
Treatment with corticosteroids may unmask a tendency to diabetes.
Orthodox treatment
Type II diabetes mellitus can often be controlled just by weight reduction, dietary restriction and oral medication, with insulin injections where these fail. Type I requires regular self injections of insulin, together with a diet calculated to avoid fluctuations in glucose levels. Patients need regular check-ups to monitor weight, blood sugar and blood pressure as well as an annual eye test.
Chinese Acupuncture
Acupuncture may dramatically reduce the amount of insulin required. Use of Byol magnets on the following points can reduce the level of blood sugar and control of diabetes:
P 8, Si 3, Lu 3, Lu 4, AD 1, 1b
Herbal Treatment
Chinese herbalist may offer herbal hormone tonics and herbal astringents. Diuretic herbs and herbs to regulate the blood condition may be required. In Ayurvedic medicine a practitioner may prescribe specific oral formulas to control the blood sugar level. Macrobiotic therapists suggest the standard macrobiotic diet, with particular emphasis on good-quality sweeteners in the form of barley or rice malt, raisins and seeds. Fluid restrictions may be necessary. The metamorphic technique will focus on a specific area of the foot: Yoga therapists may suggest gentle asanas, relaxation, pranayama and meditation. Cymatics may also be useful. Tai chi and polarity therapy may help to address imbalances causing the condition.
Dietary advice and applied nutrition may help; in particular, specific nutrients like magnesium and chromium are important in assisting glucose tolerance and can be taken as supplements. Herbal medication may be prescribed. All treatment is complementary to conventional treatment, which must not be neglected.
Diet & Nutrition
Recent research has shown that changing to a whole food vegan diet can enable some diabetics to come off insulin and hypoglycaemic drugs. Other factors involved in maturity-onset diabetes are nutritional deficiencies, particularly of zinc, chromium, magnesium and B vitamins. Diabetics seem to have a greatly increased requirement for vitamin C. When supplemented, insulin requirements may be reduced.
Diet recommendations:
Early morning: take lukewarm lemon-water.
Breakfast: fresh fruits (except banana), bread, and milk.
Lunch: cabbage, cauliflower, spinach, tomato, turnip, mushrooms, curd, yoghurt, chapatti.
Evening: fruit/ vegetable juice.
Dinner: salad and fresh cheese items.
Bedtime: warm milk.
Morning enema of fresh water after morning abulation. Followed by wet mud pack on stomach for 30 minutes or 20 minutes bath tub dip for abdomen and lower body.
Daily morning brisk walk or light exercise.
Evening walk routine.
Daily drink 50 ml water in moning and 50 ml in evening charged with solar energy in orange colour (2 parts) plus blue colour (1 part). Results will be there within 15 days.
Surya nadi
Surya bhedan
Jal neeti
Sabr neeti
Shank prakshalta
Vaman chodati
Vastra chodati
Homoeopathic treatment should be constitutional, and undertaken in addition to orthodox treatment. Apart from advice on diet and lifestyle, treatment may consist of the following specific remedies, which may be taken four times each day for up to two weeks.
Autogenic training
As long as there is some pancreatic function (in other words, the condition is controlled by oral medication) the response can be dramatic. Blood sugar level can be reduced and stabilized. Insulin control may show a slight improvement.