Leukoderma which means “White skin” is medically known as Vitiligo. It is a chronic skin disorder that causes de-pigmentation of skin. This causes discolouration of parts of skin forming patches due to gradual decrease of melanin from the dermal layers or when the skin cells known as melanocytes, which are responsible for the pigmentation of skin are unable to function.

The change in appearance caused by Vitiligo can affect a person's emotional and psychological well-being and may create difficulty in getting or keeping a job. People with this disorder can experience emotional stress, particularly if Vitiligo develops on visible areas of the body, such as the face, hands, arms, feet, or on the genitals.

Causes of leucoderma

There are no confirmed causes known to doctors. However according to the medical experts, the common factors believed to cause leucoderma are:

  • Chronic or acute gastric diseases
  • Deficiency of calcium
  • Inflammatory skin conditions
  • Burns
  • Intra-lesional steroid injection
  • Post-dermabrasion
  • Excessive stress, tension and worry
  • Impairment of hepatic or liver function (due to jaundice), worm infestation
  • Wearing tight clothes
  • Wearing rubber gloves
  • Using stickers or tattoos on the skin

 Treatment of leucoderma

There are several treatments for leucoderma. However, none of it has been proven 100% effective.

Acupuncture Treatment

To regulate the disturbed metabolic system
Lu 7, Li 11, Sp6, 10, Gv 14 (sedate all) both sides

To correct the Pituitary Gland disturbance
Tw 16, K 11, H 3, GB 37 (tone all) both sides

If Hypothalamus is affected
Tw 20, Gv 3, 4, 20, Cv 4 (tone all) both sides

To control the Pittadosa through Chinese acupuncture
UB 66, GB 43, St 44, Li 2, Tw 2, Si 2 (tonify all)

K 2, Liv 2, Sp 2, Lu 10, H 8, P 8 (sedate all)

Give treatment either only on RHS or on both sides.

Ayurvedic Acupressure

Treatment is based on the theory that leucoderma is caused by the excessive pittadosa and the treatment recommended is –

For Pitta dosa
Both Index fingers P Joint 3 (Y) 4 (W)

For bacterial infection
Both index fingers -  P Joint 3,6 (S) 4,0 (W)

Since the loss of melanin is in the 3rd layer of skin –
Rt Small Finger (skin) 3 Spr M 3,9 (Y) 4,0 (W)
Lt Middle finger middle joint – 3 (Y) and 4 (W)

For whole body treatment
Treat finger number 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 – P Joint 0 (W) 9 (Y)   


Skin camouflage

Make-up and cosmetic products can well be used to hide mild leucoderma. Also, try to avoid sunlight and sun-tanning of the unaffected skin or the patches may become more visible.


Here, the pigment of the unaffected skin is removed with the help of topical drugs. This gives the skin even colour or tone, and the patches are no more visible. This treatment takes around a year.

UVB photo-therapy

Ultraviolet B is the most common treatment for people suffering from this skin disorder. Here, the skin is exposed to the UVB light with the help of UVB lamp. This treatment is effective and cure within few weeks only if the condition is not more than three years old. Otherwise, it may take few months.

PUVA photo-therapy

The treatment involves taking of drugs that may make your skin highly sensitive towards ultraviolet rays. Once it is successfully done, the affected area is exposed to the ultraviolet A light. However, it may damage the skin making it look sun-burned or freckled.

Transplanting melanocytes

De-pigmenting is removing of pigment from the unaffected area. Similarly in this treatment melanocytes are transplanted to the affected area in order to level the skin tone. However, the longevity of re-pigmentation varies from person to person.


Appy babchi oil
Apply juice extract of Anjeer leaves
Apply basil (tulsi) oil

How to extract basil oil?

Take a small or mid sized basil plant and wash off all mud and dirt. Crush it into pulp and mix it in 500ml water + 500ml til oil.
Heat it on low flame and when the quantity is reduced to half cool it under shade. Store it.